Our Services

Our mechanics strive to provide the best quality of service for any and everything you need including state inspections, oil changes, brake repair, and more! Call us at 713-270-9838 to schedule an appointment or stop by at any time during our normal business hours. We’re located at 11243 S Gessner Rd, Houston, TX 77071.

State inspections

All vehicles registered in Texas are required to receive annual inspections. The Texas DPS sends vehicle registration notices annually and allows a 90-day window to complete both inspection and registration.

If your vehicle fails, you do not have to pay to get it re-inspected. We’ll re-test for free if you get the item(s) repaired and bring it back within 15 days.

Oil changes

Oil is used as a lubricant that allows your engine parts to work together effectively as well as for cleaning, cooling, and protecting your engine. We recommend changing your engine oil every 5000 miles.

Brake inspection and repair

We’ll conduct a full inspection of your vehicle’s brake system and repair, as needed, according to your manufacturer’s recommendations.

Steering and suspension

Your car’s steering and suspension systems are extremely important for your safety and comfort as they provide balance, stability, and smoothness. It’s a good idea to have both systems inspected regularly to ensure a safe and smooth ride.

We also offer the following services:

Tire rotation

Coolant drain and fill

AC service and repair

Battery check & repair/replacement


Transmission repairs

Alternator repair

And more!